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With VS Code

Development with this project is designed to be done via VS Code + Docker. It is a pretty standard Python package, so feel free to use anything else, but all documentation assumes you are using VS Code.

Once you have all three setup,

  1. Clone repo
  2. Open the main folder
  3. You should be prompted to "Reopen folder to develop in a container". If you are not, you can open the Command Palette run the "Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container" command.

This should be all you need to do to get a working development environment. The docker container will automatically be build and VS Code will attach itself to it. The integrated terminal in VS Code will already be set up with the unifi-protect command.

Docker (without VS Code)

You can still setup develop without VS Code, but it is still recommended to use the development container to ensure you have all of the required dependancies. As a result, the above requirement for Docker is still needed.

Once you have Docker setup,

  1. Clone repo
  2. Build and open dev container
docker buildx build -f Dockerfile --target=dev -t pyunifiprotect-dev .
docker run --rm -it -v /home/cbailey/dev/pyunifiprotect:/workspaces/pyunifiprotect pyunifiprotect-dev bash

Authenticating with your Local Protect Instance

The project allows you to create an environment file to put your local protect instance data into so you do not need to constantly enter in or accidentally commit it to the Git repo.

Make a file in the root of the project named .env with the following and change accordingly:

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# change to false if you do not have a valid HTTPS Certificate for your instance

Linting and Testing

The following scripts exist to easily format, lint and test code in the same fashion as CI:

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These commands are also all available as VS Code tasks as well. Tests are also fully integration with the Testing panel in VS Code and can be easily debug from there.

Updating Requirements

To generate an updated pinned requirements file to be used for testing and CI using the .bin/update-requirements script.

There is also a VS Code task to run this as well.

Generating Test Data

All of the tests in the project are ran against that is generated from a real UniFi Protect instance and then anonymized so it is safe to commit to a Git repo. To generate new sample test data:

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unifi-protect generate-sample-data

This will gather test data for 30 seconds and write it all into the tests/sample_data directory. During this time, it is a good idea to generate some good events that can tested. An example would be to generate a motion event for a FloodLight, Camera and/or Doorbell and then also ring a Doorbell.

  • All of the data that is generated is automatically anonymized so nothing sensitive about your NVR is exposed. To skip anonymization, use the --actual option.
  • To change output directory for sample data use the -o / --output option.
  • To adjust the time adjust how long to wait for Websocket messages, use the -w / --wait option.
  • To automatically zip up the generated sample data, use the --zip option.
export UFP_SAMPLE_DIR=/workspaces/pyunifiprotect/test-data
unifi-protect generate-sample-data

Real Data in Tests

pytest will automatically also use the UFP_SAMPLE_DIR environment variable to locate sample data for running tests. This allows you to run pytest against a real NVR instance.

export UFP_SAMPLE_DIR=/workspaces/pyunifiprotect/test-data